Blow Up Your Biceps & Triceps | Mike Hildebrandt's Superset Arm Workout - funny bumper stickers

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 2, 2019

Blow Up Your Biceps & Triceps | Mike Hildebrandt's Superset Arm Workout

Best comment

  1. ZYZZ: gonna get that fat cry even more
  2. TrobusJobusBobus: Very poor easy beginner workout
  3. Theresa May: Been looking to change up arm workouts due to reaching a plateau. This is perfect!!
  4. S Lyn: You look gay.
  5. Keiron Farm: Sick workout 👌thanks man
  6. Next Level Fitness: great, it's inspiring!
  7. 35 K: Thomas Fogarty EXACTLY. Those isolation exercises are just the icing on the cake while those basic compounds do at least 5 times more than those fancy ass workouts.
  8. Laksha Prasad: we can do when ever ?? or one day one workout only ??
  9. Sampagne Papi: ol buddy look like he don't even wanna be there.
  10. lola boots: so you switch each superset right? first one set biceps then triceps and that 4 times?

Blow Up Your Biceps & Triceps | Mike Hildebrandt's Superset Arm Workout

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Michael Hildebrandt How-to & Style Upload TimePublished on 31 Mar 2017

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