Stephen Hawking’s Most Important Warnings to Humanity The Cosmos News - funny bumper stickers

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Stephen Hawking’s Most Important Warnings to Humanity The Cosmos News

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  1. Phaze: resistor You have horrible spelling and grammar.
  2. Riderpjr Hd: Either he is dreamer with too much time and attention given or a nut case who is bored sitting 24/7..
  3. Anonymous Unknown: Don Ismyname who said that? EVEN SCIENCE COMMUNITY faced a big loss when he went away...He ideas will be remembered long-lasting
  4. james robertson: He is 💯Right we will be Living on other planets.🚀👍💯🇬🇧jimmy the Hat 🎩
  5. wanker plutonium: Fuck that asshole never did anything .
  6. TJ_Trez: Dear Jesus, I have faith in you. I know you won't let us die. You created us and love us. We love you to. I know we do bad stuff sometimes, but we try not to. I have faith in you. You are our saiver. You will let us live forever. You love us, you care for us, we do to. So please, don't let us die. Amen
  7. Dead light: _ _ 4/4/18 is when they start. By 4/18/18 all humans will be gone.
  8. Dalton Hirsch: Erivan Flores where’s your proof?
  9. Brian Merz: Does denying God condemn one more than one that acknowledges God but doesn't heed him? He was a remarkable person that wasn't perfect. He worked through a disability that very few would be able, or be willing to. God is merciful which extends to those that have passed from this life. How else could God's will that each soul be saved, be possible. Thank's Steven for peaking our curiosities. Godspeed.
  10. Jaya K: Jesus did exist and was a real person once but it is doubted if he was the son of God and did those miracles or not I’m not Christian though btw so I don’t believe he was a son of a god or did miracles
  11. William Smith: great comment rob
  12. Faye Brown: WHY don't we JUST GET SMART, and TURN our DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR AROUND??!!!! Do we NOT KNOW how to COMMUNICATE ANYMORE, so that we can come to some kind of AGREEMENT about the preservation of the earth and of ALL of its INHABITANTS??!!!! YES, I SAID ALL!!!! We are SELFISH CREATURES!!!! YES, I SAID CREATURES!!!! We are NO BETTER than the creatures out there that we fear the most, for their predatory behavior and for their position on the food chain. Our SELFISH BEHAVIOR is DESTROYING the earth and ALL of its inhabitants (animals and plants). There may be a day, when we will need to find another planet to live on. There are FORCES of NATURE of which we have NO CONTROL (eg., volcanoes, meteorites). There are, also, DETRIMENTAL FORCES CAUSED BY MAN. Of these, we HAVE CONTROL, if we can just get "OUR ACT TOGETHER," and WORK TOGETHER to SOLVE before they are SO out of control, that they can't be solved!!!! What is easier, finding a new planet to live on (that we would, eventually, also destroy), or solving the problems we have, and may have in the future, from the damage we have already done on earth? I think the latter would be the easier thing to do. Has anyone ever heard of the joking attitude of "I filled up the ashtray in my car, so I got rid of my car," instead of emptying the ashtray and keeping the car? That is kind of what we are doing with earth, filling it up with destruction, and looking to the heavens for a new place for man to go, instead of solving the problems, or "emptying" the destruction on earth now, and making earth a better place for ALL living things to live, thrive, and to have a future.
  13. Секлита Лимариха: Теперь степан знает есть Бог, или нет.
  14. Toast: Battle Bitten oh nice to know
  15. Curiosity Didn't Kill The Cat: WHAT. This video says published on March 18 2018. The world “ends” tomorrow. A month after this video was made. (Just so u know I don’t believe the world ending thing for March 18)
  16. Angie Krajewski: I do believe in « some » things just as the earth will turn into a the futur .,for other things i do not believe...
  17. L Mc: Wow you couldn't pay respects to Stephen Hawking with a human voice instead of digital voice. How cold.
  18. gblaneyful: let's drop the retard voice
  19. sword of Sword: If God wanted to destroy the world he would have done it long time ago we are the world worse creatures on this planet we destroy and kill anything that comes by God would not destroy the world we’re going to do don’t you see all this nuke that the whole world talking about World War III it’s going to be the end of the humanity for sure The planet would not stand against the impact ......
  20. Me: wavecloudproductions Don't be fucking retarded.
  21. Kenneth Branscum: The only break though was vantrilicing though a computer
  22. Dawn Piper: So in a nutshell were fuckin dead
  23. Dalton Hirsch: Big facts dude. This shit is proven but u will believe what a book says. There is no proof that Christ is real or not
  24. Pheonix: He was a scientist and realist ,,no one forced him to say anything if you dont agree with him ,its your right but dont put up BS that he was forced to do or say anything..
  25. Miguel Lara: SUNSHINE OF ZION you know God huh?
  26. Cel Este: Explain
  27. Shawn Sullivan: You will also know the men in white coats coming for you at some point too.
  28. resistor: I'd hurt ya boy go get your big brother
  29. uncle Rufus T: he knows the truth now
  30. Sil3nt_ Slick: Battle Bitten hes stating shit that is very real and (key word) COULD happen and not will happen, exanple: Global warming is very real and could cause great harm to humanity. And another thing is Aliens, AI belive it are not is a kind of alien, its not like humans and we are beginning to understand it
  31. Randy Phillips: The Paris climate deal was a scam
  32. Glamriss Chillz: There ain’t no hope to better humanity. Some of ya are lucky someone like me don’t have power, because every person with low iq would be destroyed, along with family members. Only like-minds of intelligent people would be spared, garbage would be disposed of. Remember, knowledge isn’t based off theories, theories are based off knowledge.
  33. Jamie M: Good man I’d would love to have mind like this man. He will be missed
  34. ATaurian: If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the thought of global war include almost a sentence for suicide, you would think that man's intelligence and his comprehension... would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  35. Angry Mob of Midgets idk: Yet you believe a virgin woman gave birth to a man that can perform miracles.
  36. Leontii Maksimov: I am religious but what you said is just stupid. This is facts
  37. Larry Neiderhiser: STEPHEN HAWKING Hey YOU ALL, I know why Stephen Hawkings had that Lou Gehrig's Disease all of his life and I know why he died. I am going to send you a link where you can see a picture that he doesn't have any teeth kacky so all these years he had gum disease and gum disease has been eating on him and that's why he died!!!  That's why he was sick all of his life life!!! His  dentist did not cure his gum disease and just let all of his teeth rot out and which made him sick all of his life!!!   So his Dentist and Doctors could work and  some money off of his teeth and sickness all of his life!!!  Whoooo that's outrageous!!!  And is CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! Larry Hey all of you beautiful PEOPLE OUT THERE, I WANT YOU TO NEVER EVER, EVER GET ANOTHER CAVITY OR GET SICK OR DIE OF GUM DISEASE!!! GUM DISEASE IS WHATS ON MY MIND!!! I WANT TO STOP THE DENTIST AND DOCTOR'S CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ALL AROUND THE WORLD!!! Don't let your DENTIST, DOCTOR or GUM DISEASE SLOWLY ROB you of ALL of your TEETH your HEALTH and your LIFE!  All because they didn't cure your GUM DISEASE IN THE BEGINNING WHEN YOU FIRST GOT YOUR GUM DISEASE!!!  REAL NICE GUYS A!!! Go to YouTube and type in (cure your gum disease, periodontal disease before it kills you YES YOU)  Under this video it tells you where you can buy CLINDAMYCIN!!  It ALSO tells you what you need to know about Clindamycin!! Then type in to view the next video (is YOUR dentist ripping you off.)  Is he ever!!!  Here you will see for yourself,  FOR SURE!!  FOR SURE!!  THAT THE DENTISTS AND DOCTORS ARE OUT AND OUT RIP OFFS, THIEVES, FELONS, CRIMINALS!!  Running their SICK deadly SCAM that equals CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! Next video is (Dr. Modovan on the Doctors Show Treating Periodontal Disease) IN THIS VIDEO THEY SAY THAT THERE ARE 65 MILLION PEOPLE WHO  HAVE GUM DISEASE AND MOST OF THEM DON’T EVEN KNOW THEY HAVE GUM DISEASE!!!  (THE QUESTION IS WHY DON’T THESE PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE THIS, THE DEADLIEST DISEASE IN THE WORLD???  GUM DISEASE!!!) Its killing everyone on EARTH!!! (BECAUSE THEIR DENTIST DID NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY HAVE GUM DISEASE AND THAT WITH GUM DISEASE THEY ARE GOING START LOSING THEIR TEETH AND GET SICK AND DIE FROM IT!!!  REAL NICE GUYS!!  Also at the start of the video he said that he was told that he had EXTRA  BLEEDING!!  (THIS TELLS YOU HIS DENTIST KNEW ALL ALONG (FOR YEARS AND YEARS) THAT HIS DENTIST KNEW THAT HE HAD GUM DISEASE AND DID NOT CURE HIM WITH CLINDAMYSIN!!!  Just view the X-RAYS and you will be able to see the the major bone DAMAGE around his teeth!!!  This guy said that he brushes his teeth three times a day, flosses two times a day, goes to the dentist three times a year to have his Teeth cleaned and STILL has major damage (EVEN HAD AN ABSCESS which is DEADLY in its SELF) to his bone around his teeth (GUM DISEASE) and his dentist did not tell him that he had gum disease and his dentist KNEW for years that he had GUM DISEASE and did not tell him.  (How would the dentist know?  (SWOLLEN GUMS and x-rays)  The dentist just sat back and let the damage HAPPEN!!  So he (THE DENTIST) could make a lot of MONEY filling all of the THOSE CAVITIES etc. that you can see when he opens his mouth!!!!  If the dentist would have given him CLINDAMYCIN when his gum disease first started he would still have all of his beautiful white permanent to this very DAY!! (Here in the below video you will see what GUM DISEASE DOES TO YOUR HEART!!! GUM DISEASE IS THE (ONLY REASON) PEOPLE HAVE HEART ATTACKS AND DIE!!!) Video name is (periodontal disease can lead to HEART DISEASE) Also type in (Cure, Schizophrenia, Psychiatry, Bipolar, Psychological Disorder) ITS GUM DISEASE THAT IS CAUSING PEOPLE TO BECOME CRAZY AND NOTHING ELSE! Next Video (gum disease narrated)  Man Oh MAN, This video will explain it all, the real TRUTH about GUM DISEASE by examining an EXPLAINING the X-RAYs of someone that has a severe CASE of GUM DISEASE!!  (gum disease narrated) Must SEE video!! Next Video (gum disease)  This video, is a video of my ARTICLE that tells you HOW and WHAT I went through while I was under ATTACK of GUM DISEASE!!  You will know it's my video when it say Larry Neiderhiser. Another must see video is.  (Periodontal Disease, Heart Disease Port Rowan Care Dental)  There are lots of OTHER videos out there that tell that Gum Disease causes other diseases! LIKE HEART ATACKS!! ETC.  ETC.  ETC. If you have gum disease and don't get CURED you are FOR SURE, FOR SURE going to die Early and die a miserable death!! This will save your life!  And end the doctors and dentist SCAM of not CURING YOU OF GUM DISEASE AND NOT telling you about gum disease and how deadly it is!! Look out!! GUM DISEASE, (PERIODONTAL DISEASE) is GOING TO KILL YOU if not cured!!  For Sure, FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!! Your dentist is a crook just like the rest of the dentists!  If he did not GIVE YOU CLINDAMYSIN TO CURE YOUR GUM DISEASE HE IS JUST LETTING THE GUM DISEASE BACTERIA EAT YOU UP !!
  38. Mark Young: Stephen was a Scientist not frigging Nostradamus. Earth population 7.5 billion....... Doubles every 40 years......... 2060 = 15 billion 2100 = 30 billion........ Our Habitat on Earth cannot support 30 billion......... 2280 480 billion.......... Zero chance. Err lets see where is that second earth? Not complicated, Just Simple Math that anyone can do.......... The same applies to all his scientific observations and mathematical forecasts.......... AI combined with Quantum Computing may be the only remaining fragment of evidence of Humane Existence by 2500......... IAQC
  39. Kahlua will: Government dead puppet,full of Lie's
  40. Wonder Granny: Not Biblical.
  41. Saucyboybeto _: *4/18/18
  42. MUST WATCH: resistor ...yo big daddy u got some
  43. Spiderkid Gaming: If you believe in God would got only create one Planet with Life and stuff and these warnings could be true just because it's not in the Bible Doesn't mean it's true maybe it's not in there for a reason
  44. Nicci Sherwood: We are all brainwashed in some way or another my friend, only a fool would believe they are not.
  45. Henry Lambirti: Sounds like he got his AI theory from Avengers: age of Ultron or Terminator lol
  46. derek khor: Cel Este @ him
  47. MUST WATCH: resistor ..wanna fight.
  48. Kahlua will: GuardianKnight but their is a hell for sucker's like you hahahaha
  49. Clorox Bleach: Fireball earth =Solar flare
  50. Cel Este: Kingdomof Hope Explain
  51. Don J Hyde: A touch too paranoid for me, sorry. Funny, they gave him best 5 Years to live back in 1963? I am sure he knew far more? But we get this Imposter. Going around to all walks of life. Lots of it Conditioned by Mainstream Corprate Interests. Others say he or Imposter died back in 1985? I smell AI and Transhumasim Agenda 21 Here! Rest In Peace for the real unedited Stephen Hawkings. Nicola Tesla is One of The Real Hero's.
  52. Naruto Uzumaki: We must keep our world safe because this planet doesn't belong to us......some creatures has been here before mankind....this video could be a warning and we might need to prepare just in case
  53. Marcella Louise: oh The Donald, is not the one out there CHEM-TRAILING the Sulfuric Acid in the Air, that's YOUR DEEP STATE within the fake governments you can not make this up
  54. Chris Wallace: Hawkins video after death is still in robot voice... read it yourself!
  55. Sil3nt_ Slick: I feel like AI is the good thing and humans are doing bad and AI is giving a fair warning and telling us if we don't take care of what you have you will lose it
  56. Kenneth Branscum: ???? Give me a BREAK can anyone make a CLEAR PREDICTION? 2600 is not a prediction he was on drugs hanging out
  57. Sun Of God: High grade BULLSHIT
  58. Toast: Battle Bitten thanks for responding was kind of confused
  59. Anonymous Unknown: Rob P What u think? We can always survive on same planet. Every thing has extinction but it's our duty to make it long lasting
  60. XxTreme xX: lmfaoooo
  61. 1spikelet: Stephen may we meet again in another Parallel Universe! Rest in piece..... .... ... .. .
  62. Steve Farrington: What if jimmy cracked corn and i cared?
  64. resistor: Hawking was a great conservative but he was forced to say fake things for the university. Sad really.
  65. Don Ismyname: Science will continue to march forward, and Hawking's ideas will soon be forgotten.
  66. Rob P: Okay
  67. bordersoldier: Trump bla bla bla
  68. Sharon King: I wonder if Professor Hawking gave much time to research a cure for his own physical disability? Is it not ironic that he decided against pursuing studies in medicine, biology & physiology???
  69. Brunettae -Hyung: FuZe Ninja jesus didnt create us lmao .
  70. Tina Woodworth: Hawking knew there was life beyond this planet.
  71. William Smith: great comment cbone
  72. I want to be in MocK: Leila McIlwraith maybe they aren’t ok with sharing their voice who knows why but some people wouldn’t even pay respects they’d just laugh at him for his disease stop hating on a person who’s kind enough to pay respects
  73. Ashley Mary Villarin: Im scared of death👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼😫😫noooooo
  74. Terry Bessey: Hawking did not believe in God and now he is burning in hell
  75. Kahlua will: 1spikelet yeah hell!
  76. Lyn 00000000: to late, the bible has the end form the beginning
  77. Vanessa Luv: Has anyone ever thought about this. If someone could lucid dream and try to talk to aliens or in this case, Stephen hawking. I know things created in lucid dreaming is all from you brain only, but what if that’s false. What if we could talk to others via lucid dreams? Just a thought. (Don’t judge)
  78. King Smith: 👍🖒
  79. Rob P: It's Hilarious that people think if Scientists figure out a way to get to mars and start setting up Human Civilization that somehow Everyone would go and be safe from Extinction First of all keep dreaming You honestly think the same people who look at the rest of us as the scum of the earth are going to include you? Yeah right . Not only that if they are struggling to put 1 person on Mars how you think they're going to shuttle Billions of people that they HATE to Mars . Wake up people ! Mankind has a Expiration Date and it's up to the Creator God when that is. In the meantime you can compare the Bibles book of Revelation to the News headlines and see that time is Short.
  80. William Smith: mars. lol
  81. Yungwater: Ashley Mary Villarin dont fear death are souls lives and we will be with God
  82. William Smith: +Kenzie ziegler you right anything is possible
  83. Trevor Evans: William Smith your name is will smith
  84. Gaming AQ: fireball earth is fake but the real is after 100+ years the earth well so hot because of climate change
  85. Anonymous Unknown: Satan U r not dying bcz these things cuz they will happen 1000s years after when I will also die before.LoL
  86. William Smith: you sound lucid. lol
  87. TheGamerMouth Peñas: i think im ganna trust stephen hawking i dont know he need us
  88. Michael Speakman: If it was to give out theories he would be a champion. But everyone has theories so why did he stand out because he was handicapped. There is a lot of people on the planet just intelligent is he is that don't mean they should be running it.
  89. The Cosmos News: Hi.i think this is Youtube glitch:))
  90. Kingdomof Hope: How can someone so smart, be so stupid? 😂😂😂
  91. Kahlua will: Anonymous Unknown respect a demonic government controlled robot...lolz no thanks!!!! you can do all the respecting all by your government brainwashed freak!
  92. Spectre_: Just give me internet a Pc or PS4 some cereal and I'll move anywhere. Also 1:05 till 1:18 that is scary af. Rip Stephen Hawking :/
  93. Ninja Vlogs: God won’t make aliens 👽 take over the world.....wait what about the robots 🤖
  94. Anonymous Unknown: SUNSHINE OF ZION He is already alive in parallel universe...
  95. Snow Wolfy: R.I.P Stephen hawkins well miss you we love you
  96. Madcircle Throughell: Are you half asleep
  97. Dead light: I don’t wanna die- Please save us They’re not human They hate us We invaded Save us Save us Please save us. I’m scared 4/4/18 I will be young I cant die Don’t let me die They’re mad We invaded Kill them Not us
  98. Vanessa Luv: William Smith just a thought. Idk anything’s possible
  99. Shamayne: Well, it could be possible... IF mankind had some sort of intelligence. But so far I get the impression that there is only greed and everyone grabbing to get the most for himself. The few exceptions aren't enough.
  100. Battle Bitten: Toast When one does real science they gather all the evidence, and then come to conclusions. The science they do is fraud being corrupt, a counterfeit of what true science is monopolizing over it trying to rob us of our true destiny. He is a brainwashed fool because he is of the fathers that are dishonest lieing crooks so surely they inherit lies, and perish. The memory of these bastards will be erased from the universe. Corruption is like living in shit, everyone knows that shit must be contained, and destroyed. So no need to know really what is going to happen to corrupted people who poison our lives. They deserve to be punished, if they don't repent blaspheming against the truth in the end they will be exterminated like parasites being an abomination to us, traitors to our home. Their way has nothing to do with life being desolate.
  101. Rob P: I didn't say that. What I said is if Our intended planet becomes unlivable and Scientists find a Alternative Most of us will not be departing with them .
  102. Battle Bitten: Not a real scientist being a false forecaster, died not knowing anything about the universe. Not a real person, and just a brainwashed fool.
  103. 27 zacmaklea: It is indeed ironic that scientist Stephen Hawking died on Pi Day (3.14) I guess as the old saying goes, his number came up.
  104. Spectre_: ?
  105. Cbone Cbone: Steven Hawkings was and is a joke including all those that parade behind him and his nonsense. He was a puppet in a wheelchair who helped influenced people to think in the most ridiculous ways possible. He achieved nothing but fake philosophies and theories just like Einstein. He has been dead for a long time years nothing but a puppet a humanoid mannequin sitting in the damn wheelchair you really think that was him ?U believe that a computer was hooked up to his brain reading his thoughts ,no it was somebody else typing on a keyboard and sent to his computer what you needed to hear him say.
  106. Linda Chapman: Hawking didn't believe in God... I don't listen to the words of a atheist
  107. kshitiz Shrestha: I didn't understand much
  108. Faye Brown: Shamayne ... I know. It is sad. That is why I said that we are selfish. Even our government is being run by people who are selfish, and who only seem to take care of their own interests and welfare, and not the interests and welfare of the people who they are supposed to be representing. Those are the people voters put in a position to be the communicators and the problem solvers. If they are making anything any better, I haven't heard about it. Then there are the people in our government, who are responsible for 9/11, the recent California fires, and who-knows-whatelse. (I should not even get started on that subject.) It seems hopeless, because the decency of mankind seems hopeless.
  109. derek khor: i think you should hear what he mean first before jumping into conclusion that he is cursing Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking’s Most Important Warnings to Humanity

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The Cosmos News Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 18 Mar 2018

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