Repeating Mysterious Radio Signals (FRBs) From Deep Space Detected The Cosmos News - funny bumper stickers

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Repeating Mysterious Radio Signals (FRBs) From Deep Space Detected The Cosmos News

Best comment

  1. Tony Bernhoffer: I was a shortwave radio hobbyist. Bet i might find radio astronomy interesting too
  2. The Dark Angel: Alien Radio Signal Translated: "People of Earth. Our Mothership will be more than happy to stop by and beam up your President Trump along with Lady Ga Ga and Caitlyn Jenner. They will all make interesting test subjects. In exchange we will return Elvis to you."
  3. m Day: This is the video that sold me on Flat Earth....but it is the updated version:
  4. pull up: This might known why cause there was this I don't know was at Reddit telling people he is from frb2 and he took pictures of pluto surface and traspist 1 planets 1 looks like earth look it up not fake extermly amazing detail and it can't be a painting to cause all the angles one had a icy surface the other one had a earth like some where very hot there was 2 that it did not look earth like but with horgen and oxygen atmosphere made out of water and surprise the water was fresh the earth like one saw the surface the plants look like earths but more advance instead of blue and green and some different colors no aliens but a few animals look i can't even explain
  5. Ivan nutron: Fuck you and your voice. Corn
  6. help me reach 1,000 subscribers with no videos: Second
  7. The Cosmos News: We older than secureteam and we are never look what others do...
  8. Sombike: *too
  9. GroovN Cat: Is that a British or Australian computer accent? I have Siri as an Aussie. Love it 😍
  10. BriefCon1: This artificial narator sounds like an alien thou
  11. Daniel Loomis: Anthony F Vlogs/Rants it means that they found it in their ass
  12. jrag1000: Space is enormous, but I don't think distance has so much to do with not having any contact as much as being 1 small planet out of trillions throughout the galaxy. Look at it that way.
  13. dartman1001: Is Cosmos copying Secureteam or is Secureteam copying Cosmos. Either way someone is cheating. The dialogue on both channels about FRB's is almost identical. I smell a rat.
  14. Nelson Hernandez: I managed to translate the signal myself and it clearly said, quoting...Fuck off humans!!
  15. m Day: Mike Smith: This may be good for you to watch: I do not agree with everything he is saying but he brings out the firmament issue very well. Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance.
  16. Marie daniela iheta: loooool !!
  17. Mike Smith: I was believing you, until you said Santa Claus is not real.
  18. Kevin Emmett: I hate computer generated voices ..use a human
  19. NUCLEAR NICHOLAS: We are surrounded by life the vast distance of space has us temporary separated. It's like the cliche needle a haystack.
  20. cromeaxe: There were 150 frbs
  21. PeoriaAreaEAS: This could be God transmitting Radio Signals. He is always watching us, and he might be trying to warn us.
  22. Kevin Emmett: donald wycoff it's a computer generated voice...there must be a shortage of humans who can read lol
  23. sclock2: bullittcrazy we're not alone... if we can exist then other life can exist. Think about it, we are aliens to any aliens out there. If we can exist then others can exist.
  24. pearl harbour: we may be pampered westerners but it is near IMPOSSIBLE to listen to this computer generated fucking oice man.
  25. m Day: Thumbs Down, unsubscribed. Anyone who post shit like this so far off the path of reality, I don't even want to be near what you post. Earth is flat, we live under a dome and there is water over the dome. There is no such thing as space. No one has ever been in space and man can not live in a vacuum for more than the time it takes for him to die in that vacuum, which i about 5 minutes. Why do you think NASA practices in water? Because they can't practice in a vacuum chamber. Oh, and there is no such thing as Gravity, Jesus or Santa Clause either.
  27. donald wycoff: Love the accent. When did they start calling it "UC Barkeley"? :)
  28. jrag1000: How do we know? Flip that coin, and maybe they're right next door.
  29. Mateo Abrego: Nelson Hernandez 😂😂😂
  30. Honor Medal: You forget how massive space is. Countless of galaxies. We aren't the only planet floating in a endless universe. Who knows how many planets similar to ours are out there. There could be a planet with humans similar to us in the medieval age, wild west age. There could even be beast like creatures as intelligent as we are.
  31. Red Titan: And how do you know that much more plausible explanations are causing FRB's. You cannot rule out anything until there is definite confirmation what is producing these signals. Whether it be simple or complex, artificial or natural made. It is very hard to find out what this is,as it is so far away. Man made telescopes, or other man made instruments,cannot see what is in other galaxies at the moment. These signals have a mathematically pattern as well.
  32. A L6: Yeeeeeaaahh I dont trust robot voice......
  34. bullittcrazy: It's our own signal, from another time/dimension. We ARE alone...."we traced the call, it's coming from inside the house"
  35. WE WUZ VIKANGS!!! n shiet.: My scrotum.
  36. Authur Outlaw: Well, North Korea was once in a dark age state, now they claim their Building a Hydrogen Bomb (what the hell, it could happen!) Big things comes from small beginnings. This country started small. From monkeys in space to man Black and white TV's now 60in flat screens QWERTY cell phones Land line phones, Apple Cell phones From phone Booth's lol We've sent disc out into the farthest Of space with information which States.. You get this, you'll find us. Its maybe the fact that another has finally Grew in technology just like it took us here many years to advance This is my guess. I'm not speaking for anyone else.
  37. 1acroyear1: Wow. A signal from three billion years ago. Even if it was aliens they're gone by now.
  38. dartman1001: William Wallace Well in that case, they are BOTH cheating. Do you know who did the original?
  39. shin lee: first
  40. dartman1001: The Cosmos News Thanks for clarifying that. Then Tyler has completely copied your dialogue. You should report him and get it taken down.
  41. Rebuilt Gearbox: With a capital D.
  42. Poyo Yek: must be signal from my mom and pa
  43. Mateo Abrego: I was just watching another video saying that some life forms sent those signals when life was just beginning on earth
  44. Anthony F Vlogs/Rants: What does dedected mean?
  45. Red Titan: "The possibility of these signals coming from an advanced alien civilization has been largely ruled out". Why do they rule out aliens if they haven't even confirmed what it is. How do you confirm what is producing these signals,if it is 3 billion light years away?
  46. NUCLEAR NICHOLAS: Lmao flat Earth....well has anybody ever been to the edge...I'll tell you what when you find it jump off ijs
  47. zeek: It's just another bot trying to order a snes mini
  48. jrag1000: The lead scientist said it wouldn't be feasible to send out a signal because of the distance, there's a problem with that logic, because although we saw this signal 3 billion light years from us doesn't mean the radio waves were meant for earth... There are surely planets closer to the signals origin, that's an ignorant assumption to make of that scientist. He said alien civilization wouldn't send out a signal because 3 billon years might mean they are long extinct.
  49. Icecube57: 3 BILLION light years away? Right I don't think we need to worry to much.
  50. 1acroyear1: Because there are much simpler, much more plausible explanations. That's why.
  51. Love God: Kevin Emmett out of a job my boy
  52. derbigpr500: "3 billion light years away" --> "nothing in that region of space that we know of could be producing that signal" LOL as if we know ANYTHING about a region of space 3 billion light years away.

Repeating Mysterious Radio Signals (FRBs) From Deep Space Detected

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The Cosmos News Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 30 Aug 2017

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