UFO’s Are Real:U.S. military releases videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon The Cosmos News - funny bumper stickers

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

UFO’s Are Real:U.S. military releases videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon The Cosmos News

Best comment

  1. Brendan Rodriguez: To the ignorant ones who thrive on these things- U.F.O. stands for Unidentified Flying Objects. Thus, UFOs have been around since the beginning of mankind. U.F.O. has absolutely NO DIRECT LINK to extraterrestrials! Lmfao! I'm a Christian yet I'm logical enough to know that it IS VERY LIKELY there's other forms of life throughout God's beautiful Cosmo's...But get real. UFO does NOT automatically= highly intelligent beings defying OUR fundamentally flawed laws of physics, flying around the Earth with no apparent intentions... Possible?? Absolutely. Realistically currently happening?? OH my goodness, you poor, close-minded people. I pray for your sanity and logic.
  2. Enterthemind1: It's funny how people need the government to confirm something when they've lied and done illegal stuff behind people's backs.
  3. Yui-Omi Muni: Please explain the Nephilim and the fallen ones spoken of in the BIble. Explain how the Nephilim came back after the flood. The earth isn't flat and there is no dome over us. If there were an ice ring around the earth holding down a dome, we would know about it. The Bible would speak of it as well. I do believe, however, that before the flood of Genesis there was a shield of some sort enclosing the earth made of water vapor. Hence, no rain before the flood. Also, the creatures found frozen alive in the Arctic with vegetation still in their stomachs is pretty good proof that there was once a totally different climate here on earth. A pole shift possibly changed that, under the direction of the Most High. I would like your view on the Nephilim and the fallen ones of the Bible though
  4. Nia P: Dome* ive been saying this
  5. james robertson: Wont be Long before they finally show themselves to everyone.💯👍jimmy the Hat 🎩
  6. Yui-Omi Muni: Yeah. They into Electronica
  7. Chris Redfield: Wow...stupidity knows no bounds
  8. Mike Smith: Religion. Scarier than aliens.
  9. Nia P: I tell you what they can let me out there hell hole .
  10. Yui-Omi Muni: They are called Liberals and Democrats
  11. Frank Grimey Grimes: Think Positive m a Not just a fraction of a sudden but all of it, eh?
  12. Axis Of Evil: Possibly a trans dimensional craft of some kind?
  13. While You Were Sheeping: Yep, i agree
  14. Tracker: Unidentified Flying Object doesn't = Space Aliens.
  15. While You Were Sheeping: The military are the ones who have orb tech and anti-gravity tech, you guys are so out of the loop
  16. PAT123717: What in the world is that "stuff" moving below the object? Is it water, ground or what? Because it gives a sense of the object going around in circles.
  17. Mr Happy Guy: Ufos are just black people flying around in their advanced aircraft.
  18. Nia P: totalpkgpainting. I know thats right!! It is a dome over us its obvious smh.
  19. Board and Tired: B. S. [in all caps} all of a sudden u guys start believing the government. If it's something u like then ok, but if not ..then no. u r the defiinition of gullable .
  20. Enterthemind1: Probably
  21. Dean Finley: Trick Bag is Wide open... Jump on in...
  22. X O: in 2015 or 2016 I seen a ufo flying over our house so close it was a circle shape it was grey but with red and other colours in the middle of the circle when I seen it I got so scared I couldn't move in fear.
  23. TrashKing MashupThing: This channel is cancer, I'm out
  24. David Heller: 🦅?
  25. Dennis Eijs: Damn they discovered my weed delivery system.😂
  26. totalpkgpainting: hahahaha, I laugh when people think "space" "outerspace" and "Space aliens" exist! The biggest lie to hit humanity and Y'all fall for it! We live in an Enclosed Controlled Environment under a dome. I see/you see, Flat oceans and missiles that always veer to the right to avoid the top of the dome. The "space aliens" will be the next biggest lie upon the people when the RAPTURE happens and millions have disappeared.They will be blamed for abducting us! You will be told that "Bad" aliens took us and the "good" aliens are here to save us! You will be then asked to fight the "Bad aliens" (who are really God and Jesus) from destroying us! And you will fall for this lie too...Wake up! Now watch the Nut-Bags come out yelling and screaming about the Truth I just laid down.....I love it!
  27. Whisky Hotel: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/pentagon-ufo-unit-secret-harry-reid-us-senator-evidence-aliens-nevada-oumuamua-navy-pilot-footage-a8120141.html Fake? You full of fake bs, and where is the source saying "disapproved"? this footage was released by DOD
  28. Mogen David: I didn't know UFOs played music.
  29. Paul Julian: So, dubbed with fake voices and faked videos, usual crap from Cosmos News. If you read the original story as published, allegedly this took place 13 years ago and was disproved at the time

UFO’s Are Real:U.S. military releases videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon

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The Cosmos News Science & Technology Upload TimePublished on 20 Dec 2017

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